Pat Todd And The Rankoutsiders [USA] / Jizzlobbers [D]

Pat Todd And The Rankoutsiders [USA] / Jizzlobbers [D]

Donnerstag, 23. Mai 2024, 20:00 Uhr
Sonic Ballroom
Oskar-Jäger-Strasse 190, 50825 Köln
For PAT TODD, Rock 'n' Roll isn't a hobby or part-time pursuit- it informs all aspects of his life and how he relates to the world. Every note and word is an evocation of yearning for the road less travelled: interstates, truck stops, roadside motels, bars and stages -love lost and found- create a web of rich experiences and fond memories that inform the nuances of his songwriting. Though PAT TODD and the RANKOUTSIDERS have five full-length albums and innumerable singles under their belts, there are no signs of stopping...

Gegründet im Jahr 2000. Gerettet im Jahr 2006 durch die Asche der BACKWOOD CREATURES. Seit dem spielen die "Kölner Punk'n'Roll Könige"(Ox) zusammen und machen den Sound, auf den sie selber Bock haben.

Einlass: 20h, Beginn: 21h, Eintritt: 13€

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