Faintest Idea (Skapunk/UK) + Borgzinner (Skacore/ NRW)

Faintest Idea (Skapunk/UK) + Borgzinner (Skacore/ NRW)

Montag, 27. Mai 2024, 19:00 Uhr
Ackerstrasse 169/170, 10115 Berlin

Skapunk from UK vs Skacore from NRW
Enjoy the dance!
Borgzinner (Skacore, DE)
After the band was active from 2008 - 2021 under its old name "La Familia" and has already toured through more than 20 different countries, a right-wing covid-denier group was formed during the pandemic and took the same name for itself. With a decidedly antifascist stance, the 13-year-old band name was quickly and consistently dropped. Thematically and musically, "Borgzinner" moves far away from a positive ska-vibe. It is much more anger, despair and the empowerment of the struggle for individual identities and basic attitudes that are processed at an average speed of 220 BPM

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